Thu 16.1.2020 klo 19.00
Sat 18.1.2020 klo 19.00
Sun 19.1.2020 klo 15.00
Thu 16.1.2020 klo 19.00
Sat 18.1.2020 klo 19.00
Sun 19.1.2020 klo 15.00
The beautiful Helena operetta by J. Offenbach, rarely performed in Finland, will premiere at the Sellosali in Espoo in January. The work will be presented as a new Finnish translation, and Ville Saukkonen, Finland’s most prolific opera director, will be responsible for the fast-paced production. The story of beautiful Helena is traditionally about Sparta’s beautiful Helena Queen, who is captured by the brave Prince of Paris in Trojan. In Saukkonen’s version, the events take place in the Nordic countries and in the fictional Sportian Empire, where not only sport but also beauty and love compete in TV shows.
The costumes are designed by Riia Lampinen and the music is conducted by young promising conductor Kaapo Ijas.
Start the New Year with joy and throw yourself in the operetta! Only three shows!
Kapellimestari: Kaapo Ijas
Ohjaus: Ville Saukkonen
Puvustus: Riia Lampinen
Ohjausassistentti: Ina Hukki
Koreografia: Oskari Kymäläinen
Maskeeraus: Sini Silfvenius-Bart
Kuoron valmennus: Kristina Bogataj
Paris – Tero Harjunniemi
Menelaos – Aki Alamikkotervo
Helena – Kaisa Näreranta
Agamemnon – Jussi Vänttinen
Orestes – Eeva Semerdjiev
Calchas – Rolf Broman
Achilles – Aarne Mansikka
Ajax 1 – Topias Lundell
Ajax 2 – Janne Näreranta
Bacchis – Linda Rolig
Parthenis – Anni Niemelä
Leaena – Keri Kallio
Tanssijat: Oskari Kymäläinen ja Isabella Nevanlinna
Kuoro: Menelaos-kuoro
Orkesteri: Teatro Ensemble