Marika Hölttä (b. 1991) is a coloratura soprano, who is well-known for her stage carisma and versatile voice towards opera and music theatre. Hölttä has sang as a soloist with many finnish symphony orchestras. She has also had a lot of performances in lied music, for example at the Kirpilä’s concert series 2018 and concerts in Italy with pianist Tuula Hällström in 2018. Hölttä also had a solo concert at Helsinki Music centre main hall, that was live-streamed and broadcasted for Finnish National radio Yle in 2020.
Despina (Mozart: Cosí fan tutte), Vaasa city theatre 2022,
Valencienne (Lehár: Die lustige Witwe), OperArt Productions 2022,
Liisa (Pulkkis: Raatteentie), OperArt 2022,
Sofia (Kaasinen/Koivisto: Lähde/The Fountain), Finnish National opera 2021-2022,
Soprano (Wagner, Koivisto: Mini-Rheingold), Finnish National opera 2020-2021,
Siiri (Tikka: Rakkaus on väkevä kuin kuolema), Teatro Productions 2021,
Liisa (Madetoja: Pohjalaiset), Kouvola Opera 2019,
Waldvogel and Freya (Wagner: children’s Ring from Bayreuth), Helsinki Festival-weeks 2019,
O Lia San (Abraham: Victoria and his husar), OperArt Productions 2019.
Princess Adalmina (Autio: Princess Adalmina), touring performance all over Finland, Teatro Productions 2017,
Queen of the Night (Mozart: Magic flute), Sibelius Academy concert version 2016.
The opera roles include first performances by GerMania (Roncal) -as Eva Braun, Silent years (Tuurna) -as Miss Berezina and “Rakkaus on väkevä kuin kuolema” (Tikka) -as Siiri.
Hölttä has been awarded with second prize at the Lappeenranta singing competition 2019 and also at the international singing contest Havet’s Röst in 2018. Hölttä is supported by the Finnish Cultural Foundation, Taike and the Pro Musica Foundation. She was also chosen as a scholar of the Richard Wagner Culture Association in 2017 and Lipponen foundation for the year 2021. Hölttä has studied classical singing and music theater at the Sibelius Academy with Outi Kähkönen and Hanna Hurskainen as her teachers.